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TikTok and its obsession with pink sauce

The Chinese social network TikTok, which had its “explosion” during the pandemic, never ceases to surprise in terms of viralization these days. The pink sauce became the new “talk of the town” among the application’s users. Its status as a rare spice makes it attractive for display by tiktokers. Pink Suace has been created by the user Chef.Pii, serves as a garnish for different dishes and its composition is a secret.

TikTok and its obsession with pink sauceThis chef, who began using it last month in his publications, uses it in various dishes. Tacos, chicken or hamburgers are some of the preparations that feature the pink sauce. Different users have generated many videos on the subject seeking to know the origin of the color pink. Another question, from followers of this theme, is whether the sauce sells. Chef.Pii himself sells the jar of pink sauce that has become a big trend in recent weeks.

TikTok and its virals

Along with the videos on the enigmatic salsa, another superlative scope that adds up is that of music. Video editing is becoming more and more professional in the Chinese app. Meanwhile, the sauce and its content continues to be the most mysterious thing in recent weeks on the social network. Its labeling has not given too many clues, including the fact that many ingredients come with a typo.

In this case, the spelling of ‘vinger’ for ‘vinegar’, which is vinegar in the English language, has been noted. If it is understood, from the thorough analysis of specialists, that it contains milk and does not contain preservatives. Meanwhile, the mystery continues to grow.