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The impact of digital marketing on business growth: revealing statistics.

El impacto del marketing digital en el crecimiento empresarial: estadísticas reveladoras
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To grow is the goal of any company and for this it is essential to keep in mind that digital marketing is the only way to achieve it. digital marketing is the only way to achieve it.. For this reason, it is necessary to look at statistics to see how good techniques are always the best allies. If you want to take your business one step further, now is the time to learn how you can do it. These strategies are accompanied by some excellent and thought-provoking data.

Grow more to grow better

Adequate growth should be based on a variety of strategies, from the use of social networks, blog content creation or good SEO techniques. good SEO techniques. To be accompanied by SEO specialists specialists such as those at
KMG Strategic Consultancy & Digital Marketing Agency
is an invaluable help to achieve all these goals.

SEO yields surprising figures

Yes, SEO, a key digital marketing tool, has also shown very high growth. The global SEO market is estimated to grow at a rate of 8.2%, reaching 90 billion euros in 2027. This growth is reflected in the fact that 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic searches, while paid traffic represents 15%. In addition, SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, significantly higher than traditional marketing channels, which have a close rate of only 1.7%.

Social networks, always a good ally

Social media marketing has transformed the way companies interact with their audiences. More than 55% of U.S. social network users between 18 and 24 years of age have made at least one purchase through these channels. Worldwide sales made through social media platforms were estimated at €904 million in 2022, with a projection to reach approximately €2.64 billion by 2026.

When betting on social media strategies, it is essential to know where our audience is and to to know where our audience is and thus avoid launching campaigns blindly. For example, for a younger and dynamic person, TikTok is the tool that can make us grow. Facebook is the favorite of a more adult sector, while Instagram manages to attract an audience of a very broad profile. It is obvious that a successful strategy in social networks makes this growth a reality and that the image of your business or company can go up.

E-mail marketing, very good ROI figures

One of the highlights of digital marketing is e-mail marketing. According to the seo consulting Kanito marketing groupThe return on investment or ROI of email marketing is 34 euros for every one spent, highlighting its effectiveness. This high ROI is attributed to the fact that email recipients are usually already interested in the products or services offered. In addition, Constant Contact points out that the average click-through rate is 1.43%.with an open rate of 34.39%, which demonstrates the effectiveness of this strategy in attracting and maintaining the public’s attention. If your company has not yet implemented a good e-mail marketing campaign, it may be time to draw up a strategy that will allow you to move forward. Interesting, well-written emails with a good call to action at the end can make all the difference.

Reasons to bet on digital marketing

Your company can’t be left behind when it comes to reaching more people. and, therefore, it is necessary that strategies such as those mentioned above be put into practice. Some of them are the following:

  • High level of competitiveness: has even increased in the aftermath of the pandemic. Businesses are fighting harder than ever to attract customers, so you can’t be left behind. Even the smallest companies bet on digital marketing to grow, you should not be the exception.
  • We live in the digital age: marketing is either digital or it is not. Just look at how digitization has taken hold in all areas of our lives.
  • Segmentation: The detailed information on what our target audience needs is provided in detail. This improves the effectiveness of campaigns and increases ROI.
  • Real-time interaction: offers the possibility to interact with customers in real time, improving their experience and fostering brand loyalty.

The time has come for your company to be able to take those steps to grow more and better, digital marketing is the only way to achieve this. But the goal must be to draw up the right strategy so that our campaigns are effective and we can see the results. Do you want to see how another way to enter the digital environment is possible?