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AmazonGo bet on cashierless supermarkets in Seattle without much success

Amazon apostó por los supermercados sin cajeros en Seattle sin mucho éxito

Amazon created its cashierless supermarkets, known as AmazonGo, in the United States, where the idea was greeted with much surprise and admiration. However, after its implementation, the business did not turn out to be what was expected, as it showed losses that turned out to be in the millions, resulting in the dismissal of more than 18,000 employees.

Amazon’s store stayed on U.S. soil despite hitting the skids

After all the hype over its opening, Amazon closed 8 of its AmazonGo stores in New York City, Seattle and also four in San Francisco. It seems that the proliferation will have to wait, as the supermarkets without customer service don’t seem to be entirely pleasing the people who went to them.

Despite these closures, AmazonGo is not completely gone, as it continues to operate 21 stores throughout the United States, including those in New York, Chicago, California, Washington and Seattle.

The Amazon company wanted to do a good deed with its employees, getting them a new job within the brand, something that has helped them to continue performing a job without fearing for their future.

Amazon wanted to clarify after the closure of these four stores that, despite this setback, they are still “committed” to the development of AmazonGo by betting on new technologies and a new market. Their goal is to try to find new customers, as they move forward with the proposition of installing a new type of market.

How does AmazonGo work?

AmazonGo aims to put an end to the concept of queuing, as there are no cashiers at its facilities to deposit items. The brand offers shoppers to arrive at its sites, shop and leave comfortably, without wasting many minutes of their time. The stores are equipped with motion sensors, computer vision and learning systems.

Products are automatically tracked, knowing instantly what the customer takes away or leaves back on the shelves. Once the store’s sensors analyze all the items the buyer has chosen, the store’s application automatically loads them into the virtual cart, charging the customer’s account and generating an invoice that will serve as a guide for the buyer to remember what he has purchased. In this way, the technology makes it possible to dispense with cash and credit cards, being able to shop when you need to, as long as you have an active Amazon account with a linked credit card.

AmazonGo ‘s next stop could be airports, as well as movie theaters and also different sports states, generating a new demand in which a new way of shopping is present, relevant to people who love technology and its advances. Although the company is studying it as a possible alternative, it has not yet been officially confirmed that they will create more AmazonGo stores, so we will have to wait to see what the next destination is. We’ll wait and see what happens!