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Analysis of the latest UX/UI design trends

últimas tendencias en diseño de UX UI
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“UX” (User Experience) and “UI” (User Interface) are two design areas that focus on improving the user experience of digital products and services. Both specialties are important to achieve good results.

User experience analysis is the process of collecting and evaluating data about how stakeholders interact with your product and then using it to improve the user experience.

latest trends in UX UI designAn effective analysis provides a set of steps or actions that can be taken to meet requirements and alleviate weaknesses experienced by product users.

Product teams can evaluate or implement these changes to improve conversion rates, brand loyalty, customer retention and increased referrals.

User experience analysis can focus on two types of data:

  • Quantitative UX data: quantitative and measurable metrics
  • Qualitative UX data: subjective user insights

Why is it important to understand UX/UI design trends?

2024 has just begun and since the end of 2022, the trends that will define how UX/UI design will evolve this year are in attendance. Meanwhile, in October 2022, approximately 97,000 apps were being published monthly through the Google Play Store.

That’s an average of more than 1 million applications released per year! So, to say that the application development industry is very competitive would be an understatement. Among these millions of applications, some have interesting design elements that make them unique and stand out, some are designed with average graphics and others do not stand out as much.

However, its appearance, performance and added value to users’ lives is one of the most important factors that will help it survive in the ever-expanding sea of technology-based products.

About 75% of users decide whether a site is trustworthy based on its appearance. If they don’t like what they see and if they find the user experience of the website complicated and flawed, they will abandon the site, delete the application and look elsewhere.

Most importantly, most users make these decisions in less than four seconds, leaving them little time to make a meaningful impression. What’s worse is that even if you implement an excellent UX/UI design strategy and get a large following, a bad UX can ruin your reputation.

Studies have shown that about 32% of users abandon apps they like even if they have a bad experience. That’s why it’s so important to not only implement a solid UX/UI design plan, but also to be on the lookout for mistakes and missteps that negatively affect your product.

But it’s not all bad news. In addition, implementing a well-designed UI design can increase product conversion rates by nearly 200%, while good UX design can increase app conversion rates by as much as 400%.

In addition, UX/UI design is better for users. It’s right for your company. If you provide your users with the best user experience and implement a complete user interface design, you will get €100 in return for every €1 invested, which represents a 9900% ROI.

If your users are happy with your product and have a positive experience, about 23% of them will tell 10 or more of their friends, extending your app’s reach, increasing retention and increasing your app’s success rate.

Online diagrams are a good trend and form of organization.

Create flowcharts online in an intuitive way

Whether you’re designing a workflow or optimizing a process, use the
online flowchart
. Make information more accessible by adding images and icons from your library with a single click to show connections between different items.

If you don’t know how to create a chart, don’t worry. You can use a template to fill it with data and, if you need to add something else, it is very easy to use a template.

Simplify complex information using design tools

Explore a collection of icons and colors and add links or inserts to your flowchart. Creating a flowchart online has never been easier.

Many online applications also have many integrations similar to Google Docs that allow you to edit files directly in the platform without having to open everything in a new window and combine everything in one tab, saving time and ease of use. Because what really matters, matters.

Create online graphics with your entire team

Get the initial meeting on the same page and create an action plan in a shared space. Once you have finished your online chart, you can use the administration templates to add practical functionalities and convert them into tickets in a single panel.

This is an online flowchart so that you can work individually or remotely, or use the
video chat function
to collaborate via video call. New work models, including remote and hybrid, are increasingly being adopted worldwide.

What are the trends in UX UI design?What are the UX/UI design trends?

We have all rated applications based on their appearance. We still do it and we did it 20 years ago. But standards have changed and designers have learned to use trends to shape how products meet user needs.

But trends are more than just understanding what’s going on. Trends help shape and chart what the future will look like. Understanding this is critical to developing products that meet current, future and changing user expectations.

The most important UX/UI trends

Inclusive and accessible design

Inclusive design arises from the need to ensure that everyone can enjoy the same digital experience. As awareness grows, the focus this year is to reach as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, functional diversity, language skills or technical knowledge.

Dark mode

Dark mode was originally designed to be used at night, but is increasingly used in web applications and operating systems such as iOS and Android. The dark mode reduces eyestrain and improves readability in low-light environments. In addition, this design can provide you with a modern and elegant experience.

Simple and powerful source

Using large fonts not only creates aesthetically pleasing layouts, but also makes them easier to read and enhances the experience.


Following the minimalist trend, the digital future is trending towards bright colors that do not distract attention from the most important elements.

  • Color and accessibilityAccording to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the color contrast between the background and the main content must be high enough to ensure readability.
  • Color psychology: the choice of a color palette affects the user’s perception, use and experience. For example, light blue conveys calm, while dark blue conveys authority and professionalism.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

artificial intelligence
in websites ranges from product recommendations to content recommendations and demonstrates the ability to adapt design to specific functions.

  • Personalized experiences: based on data such as interactions, preferences and more, each individual is presented with specific content that displays the information that matters most to them when they visit a relevant web page.
  • Support/Chatbot: A virtual assistant that improves and enhances the user experience to solve any doubt or query.

Responsive design

If your website is not responsive in 2024… there’s a problem. Responsive design ensures a consistent and optimal experience across all devices. As more and more people browse on a variety of devices, it’s important to display content correctly.

Augmented reality

This technology, especially used in e-commerce, projects digital products into the real world and makes online shopping experiences more realistic. It creates a more immersive experience, such as trying on living room furniture or seeing how fashionable sneakers look.

Micro interaction

Subtle animations enhance the experience, making it more intuitive and enjoyable. This micro animation trend adds dynamism and visual support to the activity on the page, but should be used sparingly.

Examples include parallax, scrolling effects, text change words and scroll-triggered animations. What they all have in common is that they are fluid, explore endlessly and are not distracting.

Pay attention to the loading time

We live in a world where time is a precious commodity. People are surfing faster and reading less, and site speed has become very important. So, if your page takes a little while to load… It is time to solve the problem.

Take advantage of existing tools that
analyze the speed of your website
and at the same time suggest you which aspects can be improved to reduce loading times as much as possible, such as image optimization or code minification.