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Netflix works on advertising level and shared passwords

Following the slowdown in Netflix’s growth, the platform has begun planning a number of new features for this year. The drop in subscribers, for the first time in a decade, has led to the need to take initiatives to modify this reality. The first initiative is to modify the level of advertising and a crackdown on password sharing.

View of the Netflix home pageNetflix works on advertising level and shared passwordsAs for passwords, the platform has been working so that people who share them will have to pay more for multiple logins. There is also the possibility of transmission with advertising, which is something that could be introduced very soon. The last quarter of 2022 could start with these crackdowns, particularly with account sharing.

Netflix in its hardest hour

After a decade of continuous growth, the streaming platform had its first setback. In addition, the competition continues to add new developments. One example of this is Disney Plus, which is already working to begin transmissions with advertising.

This initiative is also being analyzed by Netflix. With the exception of Apple TV Plus, the rest of the platforms have already stated that they will implement the offering of advertising in broadcasts.

The announcement about the new approach to password sharing is seen as something that will create a breach. Many specialists claim that the changes are occurring at Netflix, at this time, because it is the most expensive platform. It is also a better value in terms of HD transmission plans, with up to two simultaneous accounts.