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Microsoft intends to place advertising in free Xbox games

Different specialized media have begun to point out that Microsoft will start with ads on Xbox. This will happen in free games offered by the console. Everything seems to indicate that the announcements will not interrupt the normal development of the game.

Microsoft plans to place ads in free Xbox games

An example given is that, if we are using a car racing game, advertising could appear on a billboard at the side of the track. The use of avatars or videos that emerge within game lobbies was also raised. One concern, which was learned from Microsoft, is to avoid possible ‘irritations’ from gamers. This could lead to promoting the existence of a “private market”. This implies that players will select the marks to appear to them during the game.

Microsoft and new advertising revenues

Although everything seems to indicate that this decision is a way to generate new revenues, this is not what the company reported. Microsoft’s intention is not to produce more advertising activity, on the contrary, the proceeds will be used for the development of the game and the firm that produces it.

One alternative that appears, among the specialized media, is that the company intends to attract free game developers. In this way, its arrival on the platform could be solvent with revenues outside of microtransactions.

Another information that became known is that, Microsoft will not make use of the data that is collected with Bing and other ad services used in Xbox. It is also not known when this idea of the advertisers might be initiated. Several sources consulted by the specialized media indicate that during the third quarter of this year.