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Louis Vuitton showed us the future of fashion: handbags with OLED displays

It seems that not even the world of fashion escapes technology, or at least that’s what the French fashion house Louis Vuitton let us know. During the Cruise 2020 fashion show held in New York City on May 9, a prototype of bags with foldable OLED screens, typical of the latest generation of cell phones, was presented.

In addition, this technology was developed by Royole, a Chinese startup based in California, which together with Samsung and Huawei were pioneers in the cell phone market with this type of screen.

Therefore, it is estimated that by the second half of 2020 this prototype connected bag will be commercialized, although its price has not yet been specified. However, whoever buys this add-on will be able to select and display images and videos on these screens, which are also touch screens.

Regarding the incursion of technology into fashion, Bernard Arnault commented:

Louis Vuitton is very connected to these new technologies, to the digital world. And luxury, high-end products, are very interactive universes with the digital world. Their future, their development and their growth are linked to this.”

Emerging technologies for the fashion of the future, the bet of Louis Vuitton

Handbags with OLED screens of the future have a resolution of 1920 x 1440, in the presentation of which images and videos of a city were clearly visible. However, as I mentioned above, the owner will be able to show his own. In addition, you will be able to surf the Internet and its touchscreen displays will be included not only on the front of the bag, but also on the back.

For his part, Damien Douani, an expert in digital innovation, stated that:

“It is not surprising that a group like Louis Vuitton is interested in an emerging technology, as a luxury giant it must offer the most advanced and exclusive.”

In addition, Douani added:

“In terms of use, this is more of a ‘display’, i.e. a diffusion of images or videos, than a logic of consulting emails or social networks from the screens of a bag. Moreover, such an accessory also allows you to choose the image you want to give of yourself to others, with customized photos and videos, personalized, and which, in a certain way, impose themselves on others.”

You may be interested in reading another article: Internet-connected clothing: trend for 2025