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Internet-connected clothing: trend for the year 2025

While the phenomenon of internet-connected clothing has been an alternative technology only existing in various fictional movies and series, thanks to the rapid evolution of the internet of things, it could well become a severe reality by the year 2025. The emergence of such trends would be conditioned under the auspices of the so-called fourth industrial revolution. In association with increasing and progressive digitalization.

According to recent World Economic Forum’s Global reports, the introduction of sensorization will play a clear role in the evolution. Reaching the point of one trillion sensors in the global market by 2022. This article will discuss the main samples of self-digital clothing that may be commercialized in the near future.

Motion-sensitive pants: The ultimate example of the new generation of internet-connected clothing.

Various examples of a future in which smart clothing coexists within a highly social environment can be seen today, thanks to the efforts of several companies around the world. One of these has been Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Blacksburg State University, which has become the first educational institution to introduce a fully digitized pant model.

The scientific team has succeeded in making these sensors completely invisible by weaving them into the shingle during the manufacturing process. The current objective of the project is unknown. However, there is a high possibility that its application has high civilian and military implications.

Sneakers, T-shirts and clothing: prime examples of hypersensitive technology.

The ThinkGeek digital store is currently recognized for marketing a new model of proximity measuring T-shirts. Its design includes a radar screen programmed to locate geographic points where there are users wearing very similar T-shirts. When such a connection is established, the Locked ON T-shirt is activated providing information about the partner.

Other examples of the new generation of internet-connected clothing are the Nike Plus smart shoes, which incorporate a sensor to send data about our speed and positioning to our iPod. Lunar Design’s BLU Jacket, on the other hand, allows the projection of images by means of organic fabrics enabled with semiconductor materials, all via a permanent web connection.

Smart Helmets, Watches and Underwear: The connection between technology and biology is becoming ever closer.

There are currently two versions of smart helmets on the market, both of which are making a big splash. The first of these, Emotiv’s EPOC neural helmet, allows the detection of brain waves, making it possible for the viewer to participate more actively in different types of games. The University of California at Irvine’s Thinking Helmet, for its part, has been commissioned by the U.S. Army for use in military maneuvers.

iPod technology has also taken a major leap forward recently, thanks to the incorporation of wireless watches offered by countless brands. With them the performance of our iPod can be greatly optimized. Some underwear models, such as the University of California, La Jolla briefs, are in the early stages of use in uncontrolled medical settings.

Final Notes: The “internet of things” and its future impact on the global domestic market.

While the vast majority of these and other proposals associated with the world of tissue digitization are currently in an emerging state. It is not excluded that in the future these could be consolidated globally. One of the most important of these sources has been the recent reports of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council. On future technological and energy projection.

For the preparation of the report published in mid-September 2015, the technical team of the aforementioned organization held an interview with more than 800 North American entrepreneurs on how they predict the advancement of technology in the coming decades. Among its conclusive results, there is a clear perception that by 2050, 10% of the world’s population will have high access to internet-connected wearable technology, among others.

Image courtesy of Amanda Cosco ( All rights reserved.