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France prepares for future military threats with science fiction writers

The French Army made an announcement that left more than one surprised. But, if it becomes a reality and goes as planned, they could become the pioneers of innovation to improve the capabilities of an army. His novel plan is to create a team of writers whose sole task will be to predict possible future threats.

I know this sounded implausible to you, but it is true. This group of writers has been assigned the name “Red Team”, and what they will do is to propose possible scenarios that have not been thought of before by the French army.

The news came to light thanks to a report by the Defense Innovation Agency. They also assure that the work performed by this team will be highly confidential and will greatly help in the fight against “malicious elements”.

In particular, the news coincided with a recent presentation made by an innovator named Franky Zapata, who during the July 14 parade surprised attendees by piloting a jet-propelled flyboard.

For the above, the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, said via his Twitter account:

“I am proud of our modern and innovative military.”

In France, creativity is the key!

The team of four or five science fiction writers is expected to be able to think more creatively than any of the traditional members of the military. How will they do it?

Basically, what they will do is develop techniques based on role-playing in order to imagine how terrorist organizations, or even forces from foreign countries, could attack France using advanced technology.

This is not the only step France is taking towards innovation within its military forces. Because currently, this European country is developing some experiments based on sending robots to support its troops in Mali.

In addition, during the July 14 event they also exhibited something very futuristic: a microwave emission weapon, the Nerod F5, with which they intend to attack any drone by blocking signals.

For her part, the Minister of Defense, Florence Parly, assured that:

France has all the aces in this race for innovation within the military.”

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