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Apple Lightning cable celebrates 10 years

The iPhone 5 was introduced by Apple in September 2012, the novel device featured the revolutionary Lightning charging system. The smartphone from the people of Cupertino was faster, bigger and more powerful than known to date. Phil Schiller, Apple’s chief marketing officer, was in charge of presenting the new phone. It no longer had the 30-pin connector that had been there since the first devices.

It was the turn of the Lightning cable, which was everything its predecessors had failed to achieve: robustness, reversibility and compactness. At the time, Schiller spoke of the “modern connector for the next decade”. Finally, the time has come to celebrate its 10 years of existence: however, it is getting closer and closer to its farewell. Although iPhone models still come with this connector, it has proven reliable for connection in automobiles and other accessories.

The Lightning cable will be the next big change coming to Apple smartphones. This coming major modification is not related to its obsolescence, but to another factor. The new upcoming port for iPhone devices has earned it by ubiquity.

The good Lightning begins to say goodbye

The revolution that the Lightning cable generated 10 years ago with what was on the market was sensational. The 30-pin connector was too large and the Micro USB ports were very difficult to plug in. Apple’s new alternative was still small, but it was impossible to mess up. In any case, it was a formula that took a long time to be understood and accepted by the majority of users. To this, it should be added that the competitors of the people from Cupertino were at a clear disadvantage in terms of charging speed, data synchronization and overall convenience on the smartphone.

Technically, even today, this connector is fully compatible in different areas. In just over half an hour you can charge any of the modern iPhones with this cable, starting from a completely depleted battery. It is also ideal for headphones and can use a 1080p video signal. In addition, it has been able to achieve transfer speeds like USB 3.0, even though compatibility is not full.

Thinking about universality

Despite all the strengths that can be listed for Apple’s connector, it has failed to be universal in its use. Currently, the vast majority of devices employ a reversible and versatile port, both in charging and connecting, we are talking about USB-C. This port is used in smartphones with Android operating system. In addition, its use has been extended to GoPros and even game consoles. Currently, Apple has started using it on its iPads and MacBooks.

Outside of iPhones, very few devices continue to use this type of connector for charging or other needs. The biggest annoyance is that in order to connect to a Windows computer it will be necessary to have two chargers and even adapters. Despite completing its first 10 years of life, the Lightning cable is saying goodbye after the European Union decreed as mandatory the USB-C connector for all devices sold on European soil.