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A supermarket without cashiers, Amazon’s new large-scale project

This past February 25, 2020, in the Capitol Hill district of Seattle, USA, Amazon opened its first Go Grocery, a supermarket where customers can buy their products without standing in long lines to pay for them. This store is five times larger than a typical Amazon Go, which means shopping carts can be accommodated, plus it offers baked goods, meats and household items.

Amazon has been implementing this model since 2016. However, at the beginning it was a supermarket exclusively for its employees, already in 2018 some stores were opened to the public, but nothing on a large scale, only until today.

A supermarket without cashiers – the future is today!

Through the Amazon Go mobile app, customers enter the supermarket and are represented as a 3D object in the system. This allows cameras and electronic sensors to track the interaction your customers have with the products.

Each time the customer chooses a product and takes it to the bag or market basket, an invoice is automatically charged. And, even if the person regrets and returns the item to your site again, the system is able to delete the information regarding that product without any problem.

When the customer finishes shopping, upon leaving the supermarket he will notice that he has received an electronic invoice with a charge to his previously registered credit card.

So far, Amazon’s new supermarket is only focused on selling household, food, health and personal care products. In addition, it is already part of the more than 20 Go stores that are currently open to the public in cities such as New York and San Francisco.

Finally, you should know that this Amazon supermarket has a group of employees who are in charge of organizing all the products and constantly checking that they are not out of stock. In addition, they are also in charge of making sure that everything is working properly and that no minors attempt to buy alcoholic beverages.

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