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With this app it is possible to identify almost anyone

More than 600 agencies and law enforcement agencies in the United States have begun using it. Since last year, the use of this new facial recognition app, which allows to identify very quickly almost any person, has been increasing, the information was given by The New York Times. We tell you what it consists of.

For its proper functioning, the app, called Clearview, uses a large database with more than 3 billion images. These, have been collected mainly from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and hundreds of websites.

And, although Internet giants such as Google have so far avoided offering this type of technology, due to the privacy issues involved. This has not prevented it from becoming increasingly popular.

It is for this reason that, amid great secrecy, Clearview is being marketed to police forces, although licenses have also been sold to some companies for security purposes. However, the newspaper also stated that the app is available to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security.

How does this facial recognition app work?

The system of this new app allows you to upload a person’s photo and immediately see their public images, as well as links to their websites where they appear. Thus, in addition to his identity, it is possible to have access to the occupation, place where he lives and even the acquaintances of the person in question.

The New York Times analyzed the app‘s Code, and also discovered that it includes an option for use with augmented reality glasses. Something that could really allow any user to identify anyone who crosses their path.

Clearview, the app that was founded by Australian Hoan Ton-That, responsible for other applications that have not been very successful, has financial backing from Silicon Valley tycoon Peter Thiel, an investor close to Donald Trump who is also involved with Facebook.

In the U.S., law enforcement agencies have had such facial recognition systems in place for years. However, they have been limited to looking only at police photographs, such as portraits of arrestees.

For the time being, some cities have forcefully banned their agents from using this app.

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