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Where the GDPR is flawed

The European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changed the way companies work. However, some four years after start-up there is a significant backlog in Big Tech’s cleanup. NOYB, a non-profit data rights organization, has been in business for almost 200 days since it first filed complaints with the European regulator.

Where the GDPR is flawedThe biggest dissatisfiers focus on companies such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Google or Instagram. Particularly, because they have forced people to hand over their personal data without proper consent. This approach was made by Romain Robert, NYOB’s program director. Since May 28, 2018, when the GDPR came into force, privacy rights have been strengthened for more than 740 million Europeans.

GDPR and its application

Since the regulation came into force, all data regulators have been responsible for enforcing the law. To this end, they have endeavored to act swiftly in response to complaints from various technology companies. Online advertising has had the highest number of cases pending resolution.

Although there was a substantial improvement with the GDPR, in terms of privacy rights, the worst problems have not been solved. Here it is necessary to put the eye on the data intermediaries that store information. Then comes the marketing part of it, where the advertising industry continues to exercise thousands of abuses.

Many civil society groups have been frustrated with the limitations of GDPR. At this point, regulators in different countries have expressed their dissatisfaction with the international complaint handling system and the delay in implementation.