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Twitter with GIFs, photos and videos Yes, they can now be used in retweets!

The little bird’s app, Twitter, may not be more popular than Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp, but it still accumulates the exorbitant figure of 330 million users worldwide. This is why the company is not letting its guard down and has been constantly adding some features such as, for example, the dark mode. But, just a couple of days ago it added something small but very interesting: the function retweet with comment and multimedia content attached, that is, from now on you can use Twitter with GIFs, photos or videos in the retweets, in addition to the text.

The announcement was made in response to a user who asked in January that “when will be the day when we can retweet with a GIF comment”. So last Monday, as expected, they released the new feature with a GIF illustrating the new feature and commenting on it:

“The wait is over.”

Want to know how Twitter’s new feature with GIFs works? Here we will explain it very well

This new function can be used in the App as well as in the web version and the way to make use of it is exactly the same. You should know that it is possible to attach a single video or a single GIF. It is not complicated, but here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on the “Retuit” button.
  2. Then select “retweet with comment”.
  3. There you will see the options at the bottom: photo, video or GIF.
  4. Use the one you want, and if you prefer, write a text.

The novelty of Twitter with GIFs is aimed especially at young people, as a recently published Pew Research Center study showed that the average age of a “tweeter” in the United States is 40, compared to the world population of 47.

However, several regular users of the network deeply regretted the impossibility of being able to edit messages already published on Twitter, making the comparison with Facebook, which does have this feature.

Additionally, the company’s design team informed that this does not stop the changes, as soon an additional update will arrive to the platform, with which it will be possible to make retweets with more interactive and easy to read media attachments.

How about reading another article? We recommend this one: Meet Twitter’s new feature: “Hide Tweet”.