Techno - TRENDS

This is what the future could look like with the end of passwords

A dream of many Internet users and technology lovers is a world without passwords that allows them to roam the vast universe with total freedom. One question few people ask themselves is how much time they “invest” over the course of the year in password updates. Increasingly, different devices and apps require almost constant updating of the security keys we use. This key that we will always use and, for all sites, today is unthinkable. We have become digital nomads with the need to carry a series of keys in our memory or written down.

In a world where we are all drowning in passwords, the IT industry is taking the first steps towards a world without passwords. These days, Microsoft, Apple and Google are working on facial recognition. To this end, they are working on their own processes, such as 2FA (two-factor authentication). This method will prompt you to unlock an additional device. The tech giants are aware that most users are standing on a house of cards when it comes to passwords. However, for the time being, keys are an inevitable part of living in this digital world. All that is left for us to do is to navigate as safely as possible.

For a world without passwords

Currently, the only way to protect accounts is to create complicated, customized strings of readable code. These phrases must be unique for each account, at least within the same platform or application. The biggest problem, for some specialists, is that it is impossible to remember all the passwords produced when looking for how to access the desired account.

However, everything seems to indicate that the desired future will be without passwords, security loops or account resets. Although we are not there yet, there is a way to reduce the total number of passwords used on a daily basis to one. Currently, we have encrypted key managers. Basically, they act as a digital vault that seeks to protect all the different passwords held on the devices under a single master key.

This way, you can have all kinds of long and super complex passwords for your accounts, some administrators even generate them for us, to avoid remembering them all. These password managers, and in particular those derived from a browser extension, as well as those that come from smartphone applications, can save you a lot of time when it comes to password storage. Particularly, because all passwords are sent and automatically filled in the corresponding fields of the site to be accessed.

The market offers a lot of this type of administrators, of course there comes to play its role what refers to prices and their characteristics. Generally, when thinking about these programs, one should look for the one with the best statistics in terms of sound cryptographic algorithms. You should also look at the complete and cross-platform option, since this indicates what you can store and organize all passwords on different devices.