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Some new WhatsApp features that could be up and running in the next few months

At the end of 2018, one of the WhatsApp novelties that many users of the world’s most used instant messaging app (1.5 billion users) were longing for came to fruition. The feature of sending stickers was very well received and from there WhatsApp developers have been working on other innovations that we will surely be seeing in the coming months.

So, stay tuned to this article in which we compile these WhatsApp news that you will surely love, or maybe not! We tell you about them so that you can draw your own conclusions and think about whether you really think it is necessary to implement them.

WhatsApp news that we could enjoy in 2019

As we mentioned earlier, WhatsApp is the most used messaging application in the world, but, for something for which it cannot sin is for falling asleep in the face of the strong competition it has, if you still do not know who we are talking about, we clear the doubt: Telegram. This is why the Facebook company plans not to let its guard down.

Download individual stickers

Stickers are still around, people seem to love them. You too? Well, the thing is that when we have this function, you would not have to download a whole package through the App or Google Play Store to be able to share it, but there will be the option to choose them individually.

Reverse image search, one of WhatsApp’s most desired new features

There is something that the Internet is overrun with: fake news. So one of the main objectives of WhatsApp developers will be to combat them, it will not be easy, but apparently there is already a plan. One of the features that would help in this key objective is reverse image search, with which you can find where else on the web it has been used. This one seems very practical, the most practical thing would be not to forget to use it before sending those unconfirmed news.

In-application browser

When you receive a link, it opens an external browser, but in a future update you may be able to open such links without leaving WhatsApp, as happens with some websites on Facebook. This also has an impact on data consumption, which will be lower.

Advanced search

Currently it works through keywords, however, the action becomes complicated when audio, video or other files are required. With this advanced search function you can filter and thus find every kind of file, which makes this task much easier.

Are you already anxious and want to get these WhatsApp new features working as soon as possible? Well, it is possible that in a short time we will start to see the first updates.

You may also want to read: Do you have an unofficial version of WhatsApp? Beware, thousands of accounts will be blocked