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Send messages with Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp integration

After some months of expectation, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed during Facebook’s developer conference, the F8, something that was pure speculation but that in a couple of years will be reality. The meeting that took place in early May 2019 in San Jose, California was the ideal space for the company’s CEO to confirm that, in a very short time users will be able to send messages from Messenger to their Instagram or WhatsApp contacts.

Sending messages with the integration of the famous applications will be possible thanks to a redesign of Messenger, as its code base has been rewritten. As a result of this change, the application will now be faster and will have a smaller size.

According to data provided by the company, Messenger will be twice as fast as other messaging applications and up to seven times lighter.

Send messages to facilitate connection between users

According to Stan Chudnovsky, director of Messenger, the intention of the integration of the three applications is that users can communicate with their contacts through any channel within the company’s services more easily.

Therefore, all you have to do is: create a message, enter the name of the contact and send. However, it is important to know that you, as the recipient, will be able to decide which messaging service you prefer to set as your default.

He further added:

“It’s not about forcing the use of one or the other, but about facilitating the connection between people through different communication channels.”

However, you should know that the three applications will continue to operate independently and will maintain their individual services and functionalities. However, from any of the three services it will be possible to interact with other users on different platforms.

For example, you can write to a friend from your WhatsApp and they can reply to you from their Instagram.

In addition, Chudnovsky also commented:

“The idea is that people choose where they want to centralize their communications.”

Finally, this announcement has been the most concrete since the speculation about this new functionality began, however, only in a couple of years we will be able to send messages with the integration of the three services.

This is due to the fact that during the first year, the company will be analyzing the legal frameworks, government observations and the complete rules for interoperability.

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