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Netflix and the ‘two thumbs up’ to highlight content you’re passionate about

It is now official that the Netflix entertainment platform has the “two thumbs up” feedback button. The idea, as detailed in the company’s blog, is to seek a more affective approach from the public towards its content. The new reaction is in addition to the ‘thumbs up’ and ‘thumbs down’, which already existed.

Netflix and the 'two thumbs up' to highlight content you're passionate about

With this initiative, the company intends to add more information to the recommendation algorithm. The “Two Thumbs Up” button aims to allow you to adjust series and movie recommendations based on what you “love” the most. Netflix is looking for a greater number of recommendations or similarities to our tastes with this new reaction.

No commercial dye, explains Netflix

The content creation giant, while trying to point out that it is for the user’s convenience, demonstrates its commercial sense in this action. Having material, in both series and movies, that your subscribers love means that cancellation is less likely to be considered. Particularly, after some increases, some of which have been due to the firm’s own actions and others to the escalation of the dollar during the pandemic.

For some, this could also be a subscriber win. Mainly for having the emphasis on those contents that are of their particular liking. In their blog, Netflix states that this is an additional feature they offer to have everything you enjoy with your profile.

User reviews and comments have always been on the chopping block at Netflix. In March 2017 they withdrew their 5-star rating system. Now it’s time to experiment with this thumbs-based recommendation system, very much in the style of social networks.