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IPhone 2019: three models are coming and one of them will have three cameras

Congratulations! Special for Apple fans, details of what Steve Jobs’ company will bring to its users this year in terms of smartphones are already beginning to be known: three different models, successors to the iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.

According to a report published in The Wall Street Journal, the successor to the XS Max would come with the novelty of the addition of a third rear camera. This type of cameras was already explored by Huawei Mate 20 Pro and P20 Pro, which also feature three rear cameras. On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy A9 cell phone has four cameras.

Another novelty anticipated by the newspaper is that the manzanita company would launch a more economical model with LCD display. This model, similar to the XR that Apple introduced in 2018, would include dual rear cameras.

The report also reveals that the screens of the other two 2019 handsets would have OLED displays, just like the X and XS models. The company would therefore presumably discontinue the use of LCD displays by 2020.

The screens

According to a publication from May last year, all three iPhone cameras would have twelve megapixels. This would point to the fact that the cameras could have other features, such as a higher zoom.

In any case, it is to be expected that the lenses that will be used in the cameras of the new iPhones will have a more advanced technology, capable of surprising the public. For example, it is presumed that they will have the ability to triangulate multiple perspectives in 3D and use stereoscopic imaging to capture objects and scenes from multiple angles.

In addition, this triangulation could also mean that new augmented reality features are coming.

Touch ID returns

Touch ID was one of the most popular features of previous iPhone models. The site Patently Apple reported that the company filed a patent that bets on the return of Touch ID in new models.

Although it would work alongside Face ID on the new iPhones, it will be different from what iPhone users are familiar with so far. According to Forbes, it could work as a standalone authentication method or as a backup to Face ID phone unlock.


Another source that specializes in announcing technology news, @OnLeaks, announced that the three smartphones are still in the engineering validation stage, so substantial changes are not ruled out before their final launch.

But according to another report released by Bloomberg late last year, the most revolutionary thing the iPhone could feature for 2019 is the presence of a 3D camera sensor. This would have the novelty of being able to capture scenes at a greater distance, making facial recognition even more accurate.

Reduce costs

Other changes that are coming for the U.S. telecommunications company are changes to reduce costs, although they have not yet announced the measures to be taken. They assume that among the measures would be cutting production of new iPhones.

In any case, it remains to wait for official announcements from the company, which since its inception has managed to capture the loyalty of millions of people for its special innovations.

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