In the United States, millions of phones have been tracked by the CDC.

Various documents filed make it clear that the CDC — the U.S. Center for Disease Control — tracked millions of phones. Smartphone locations and data were tracked for purposes outside of the Covid -19 related tracking authorization.

Millions of phones have been tracked by Covid-19 blockadeCDC purchased access to cell phone location data. They had been collected in the United States to conduct an analysis of curfew enforcement.

Control from Covid-19

All of this information collected by CDC, primarily for the pandemic, would be used for other, more general purposes. The data collected is about the location of the devices. There you will find information about where people work, where they live and where they live. The information acquired by the CDC makes it possible to obtain, to the concern of those submitting the report, a traceability of specific people.

Monitoring the activity of Americans during the pandemic was acquired by the CDC. The documents, which date back to 2021, are critical to see the activity of citizens and their choices in terms of circulation. The pandemic made citizen control possible for the public good in the face of the health emergency that was declared worldwide.

Zach Edwards, a cybersecurity researcher, posited in an interview that:

“CDC appears to have purposely created an open-ended list of use cases, which included monitoring curfews, neighbor-to-neighbor visits, visits to churches, schools, and pharmacies, and also a variety of analyses with these data focused specifically on ‘violence.'”