China and its threat to the metaverse ecosystem

Everything seems to indicate that the future of the metaverse system will be divided in two: China on the one hand and the rest of the world on the other. The arrival of Meta, the name Facebook changed to in October 2021, generated a lot of buzz in Silicon Valley. China was not far behind and, as it turned out, a wide-ranging debate broke out among founders, investors and various corporations.

The idea of the metaverse began to excite the Asian giant’s technology community. From time to time these “waves” appear, arising from the combination of talent and capital. The big dilemma is who shapes it, as is the case of metaverse and its intention to conquer the entire world of smartphones. With this move, the mobile computing giants have seen that they may lose their hegemony.

China and its struggle for power

For decades, investors have been chasing different investment bubbles, generally linked to real estate. Today, with technology, there has been an evolution, in just a few years, that has allowed investment in social networks, online games, internet services and, now, the metaverse. The entertainment world is “on fire” and seems to be in a constant escalation. Mark Zuckerberg has been working, since before metaverse, on this type of concepts that will modify the commercial world.

China’s industrial framework, in the Internet industry, is also reaching a not inconsiderable size. The Asian giant is preoccupied with control of oil, gas, telecommunications, finance and traditional media. However, with metaverse, everything looks like it will have a different story. While some point to the dangers of this system, for others it is the future that is already with us.