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In France Apple suspends sale of iPhone 12 for emitting high radiation levels

The sale of the iPhone 12, launched in 2020, has been suspended in France, after it was found to emit large amounts of radiation. The problem was discovered by the National Frequency Agency (ANFR). The agency forced Apple to recall the smartphone model and take immediate remedial action.

With respect to devices already in use, he ruled that Apple must do what is necessary to bring the phones into compliance or they must be recalled.

Specific energy absorption (DAS) emissions must not exceed 4 watts per kilogram, as specified by European regulations. This is the measure that marks the level of exposure to radiofrequency energy in mobile devices.

As detected by the ANFR, the iPhone 12s emitted radiation of 5.74 W/kg.

In view of this, the agency determined that this is a problem that must be solved. Failing that, all iPhone 12 models in France will have to be permanently recalled. In addition, he urged other countries to review the devices and take similar measures if such a problem is found.


What is Apple’s response to this suspension?

The European Union’s regulation on the radiation levels of mobile devices responds to the need to establish limits in the face of possible health risks.

From the company Apple have stated that since its launch, the iPhone 12 has been certified and has complied with all regulations in the world. He also clarified that the device does not represent a security problem, but rather that the problem lay in a test protocol used by regulators in France.

However, to avoid the recall of the devices and reactivate the sale of this model, Apple developed an update. This software update will be issued only to users in France. With this update, the iPhone 12 will be adapted to the European emissions regulation. It will also allow lifting the suspension of the sale of this Apple model.

The update is not yet available, but users will be able to download it from the system settings under system updates.


iPhone 12 upgrade will be for France only

From the ANFR it has not been determined that there is another iPhone model with the same problem, so the update will be only for this model.

Apple, for its part, established that the update is only for France. So far, no other countries have expressed the same problem. It should be noted that the ANFR informed other countries to follow suit and review the iPhone models available in their territory.

Once the update is available, it will be tested by the French agency to determine whether Apple products have been brought into compliance.

It should be noted that the problem with the iPhone arose at the same time that the new 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max models were presented.