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How to select the best WordPress hosting?

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Choosing the perfect WordPress hosting is one of the most important decisions when planning and implementing a digital project. The hosting services will not only influence the website owner’s or administrator’s experience (by offering, for example, more or less security guarantees). They will also do so directly on the future of the project. Depending on the server response times or its speed to manage information, will depend on such variable SEO factors as the loading time or the User Experience. Spending time researching to identify the most reliable alternative can be a source of benefits.
But, how to choose the best
WordPress hosting
? Here are a few tips. Take note!

wordpress hostingLook for plans that work with solid-state drives or SSDs.

Solid state disks have a structure composed of moving parts. Its system is based on state-of-the-art microchips. The main characteristic of its configuration is its robustness. Failures in physical drives are very unlikely and therefore generally provide higher performance and efficiency.
The SSDs from
are quiet and ready for integration into high-performance servers. In addition, their hosting volume, which is practically similar to the more classic solutions, has made them an increasingly widespread alternative in the business environment.
Those business models that have a strong customer orientation can benefit greatly from this technology. In highly competitive contexts such as e-commerce, speed and security become important differential advantages.
In addition, its use is coupled with other advantages such as:
  • Increased security guarantees thanks to its body coated with a magnetic solution that minimizes the likelihood of physical damage and loss of information.
  • Faster: The writing or reading processes are carried out in shorter periods of time. In addition, their response times are shorter and the transfer of information is faster.
  • Resource optimization: Solid-state drives consume less than 2W of power because they do not have a physical structure as such. Compared to HDD alternatives, they enable energy savings of more than 80%.

Pay attention to management tools

Use suppliers that provide a user-friendly and intuitive environment. WordPress Toolkit is a very useful tool to systematize all processes in a very simple way in a security context. Are you working on a web project or do you already have a website developed within this popular CMS? Use WordPress Toolkit to carry out all operations required in the field of maintenance and administration.
WordPress Toolkit is integrated in all our hosting proposals. Its installation is carried out automatically at the same time WordPress is installed. In its Home page you will find a list of the most relevant data of your website. From the version of WordPress that is running, the number of updates available or if there is any security vulnerability.
Its interface is configured to integrate changes and updates as quickly as possible. A single click is all it takes to keep track of available updates in real time. Moreover, after updating your plugins or themes you will be able to rectify your operations in case of any conflict or incompatibility. In just a few seconds you will be able to recover the original or previous version of your web page without any loss of information.
WordPress Toolkit automatically scans for vulnerabilities on the web. This allows administrators to know where the security gaps are at all times. In addition, its interface not only identifies risk points, but also proposes preventive and mitigating solutions, along with other complementary recommendations that, if implemented, can increase the degree of security of the website and make it less vulnerable to possible attacks or intrusions.
This is coupled with extra readability and simplicity because, in addition, the management of the installation of WordPress itself can be carried out in an automated way without the need for the user to perform operations from the backend.
Despite all the benefits it brings in terms of administration, WordPress Toolkit is completely free and its integration is included by default in all ANW® contracting models.

Don’t forget technical support

The administration of web pages and their storage within servers can generate doubts. Having a specialized team to support you during all phases of the process will be essential. Before contracting a hosting provider, pay attention to its customer service policy and verify that it has a direct and instantaneous communication system. This can help you avoid some headaches.

Seeks maximum protection

ANW® guarantees the correct preservation of information through the automatic generation of backup copies. Thanks to this, no matter what happens, you will have a backup and all the information stored on your website will be kept safe.