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Bill Gates said AI agents will be like “a close friend” in the coming years

Bill Gates aseguró que la IA será como "una amiga cercana" en los próximos años

Bill Gates has given his latest statements, this time about AI agents. The former CEO and co-founder of the Microsoft brand predicts that AI will become indispensable within five years. The professional stated that computers will undergo a surprising upgrade and that it will change the method in which we were using them. AI will create a great revolution that will generate more help for us and less effort, bringing us comfort.

Bill Gates continues to stay on top of what’s happening in the tech world

Although Bill Gates left his position at Microsoft in 2020, his interest in technology has not waned. In his continuous statements to the press he has been noticed, as he is always ready to predict a news item about what will be investigated or happen.

Currently, he is still very active on the Internet. He has demonstrated this through his publications. He regularly updates his own blog “”. In one of his latest contributions, Bill Gates spoke of the importance of AI in human life, commenting that within a few years AI agents will arrive. These are supposed to help each user in an autonomous way to perform all the tasks he or she needs.

Bill Gates described AI agents as “a close friend” that will arrive to simplify all the jobs that humans have to deal with. According to him, it will no longer be necessary to use a multitude of programs and apps and that will also be a revelation. Just recently, Microsoft launched Copilot, a virtual assistant with which they intend to replace Cortana.

Entrepreneur predicts how a computer will be used five years from now

According to the American philanthropist, in a few years’ time you will simply talk to the computer about what you want to do and the software will provide a complete solution because “it will have a rich understanding of your life.” According to Bill Gates, in the not too distant future, anyone with Internet access will be able to have a personal assistant created with AI or AI agents.

AI agents may become indispensable in the future

He predicts success for these new AI agents, which he perceives will be “much more personalized” and “not limited to relatively simple tasks like writing a letter.” However, the AI of the future and these virtual assistants will have to face the major problem of computer users’ privacy, since the more data they know about the person using them, the more accurate and valuable their help will be. Will people be able to trust the AI with all their secrets and thoughts?

Bill Gates also reflected on the current meaning of AI, acknowledging that they are robot tools, differentiating them from the AI agents that will be coming, describing them as something much more advanced and superior. The difference will be that agents will be helpful in providing suggestions before the user asks for what they need.

They will also be able to recognize patterns of behavior and provide information that they believe will be useful to the personal life of the person who owns the computer. What do you think of these opinions? Will AI agents arrive to change and improve everything?