Can you imagine being able to draw in the air? Well, soon it won’t just be a matter of...
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Whisper, a social network to tell your secrets to strangers and...
And you thought you had seen it all! Well, I want to tell you that no, you haven’t seen it...
Brains connected to the Internet? Only the future will give us...
Twelve scientists from the United States, Russia and Australia have published a paper claiming...
PlayStation captivates with its virtual reality game Blood &...
Just a few days ago, PlayStation launched the first installment of an ambitious production for its...
Send messages with Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp integration
After some months of expectation, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed during Facebook’s developer...
Louis Vuitton showed us the future of fashion: handbags with...
It seems that not even the world of fashion escapes technology, or at least that’s what the...
The iPod Touch is back, did you think it was extinct? Well, no!
It seems that finally everything that goes away, at some point comes back and that is what is...
Checking your cell phone too often could take a toll on your...
It has been proven that we are spending more and more time immersed in our cell phones, whether it...
Xiaomi launched a smart stylus designed for kids
When we think of a pencil, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the verb to write...
Three-day work week – this is the future according to AI...
In recent days, representatives of innovation companies such as Telefónica, Bank Of America, BNP...