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Alicia Framis: the first woman to marry an AI-created hologram

Alicia Framis: la primera mujer en casarse con un holograma creado con IA

Do you know Alicia Framis? She will be the first woman to marry a hologram. This has been generated with AI and has as avatar the figure of a human male person. She will marry the hologram in an unofficial ceremony in the coming summer season at the“Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen” museum in Rotterdam.

What is it like to live with a hologram?

It is certainly something very different from human companionship, as it will not be able to perform many tasks (physically) as a real man would. For example, they will not be able to help with household activities, open the door for visitors or hold the person with them…. However, they can create a very different alternative to the company, since in addition to accompanying they can also chat and respond in a totally intelligent way to a conversation.

The story of Alicia Framis, the first to marry a hologram

The Spanish artist Alicia Framis created the hologram that accompanies her, according to her, to “satisfy all her emotional needs”. She has designed it this way in order to be able to perform a performance in which she will give free rein to her dream of marrying a hologram. Although at first the idea arose as an opportunity to create something different and express herself artistically, she herself comments that it is a scenario that could become something real in the future.

What does Alice intend to share about the interactions between humans and AI?

Alicia Framis intends to reflect on the interactions between human beings and technology. How they behave in the face of artificial intelligence, adding a contemporary artistic feel to their message. According to her, AI “is still very much tied to science and lacks poetry, art and warmth.” On her official website, she shares her thoughts on these issues, bringing diversity to all her followers.

On her social networks she also often shares content, especially on her Instagram. There you can see “AILex” his hologram partner, which he has created in the image and likeness of all his past relationships. Alicia is now designing her wedding dress and is also thinking about the wardrobe that the people who will accompany her on such a special day will wear.

One of the novelties he intends to make for his performance by marrying a hologram is to create a molecular food. In this way the wedding feast will be delicious not only for humans but also for the hologram. One of his greatest desires is to create an artistic documentary featuring his hologram couple, so that others can understand what the day-to-day life of this unique couple is like.

According to Alicia, in the not too distant future, love and sex with holograms and robots could be an “inevitable reality.” She sees them as a kind of “interactive presences” that can help better cope with loneliness. Alicia also went on to comment that “they are great companions” and can express empathy for humans.