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Youtube Shorts: new features to compete with TikTok

Youtube Shorts has become TikTok’s direct competitor, receiving 2 billion views per month. Although it has yet to catch up with the social network of the moment, it has become an interesting option for creating short videos. In view of this, it announces new functionalities and collaborations to continue growing and catch up with its main competitor or even dethrone it.

Youtube Shorts is the platform within Youtube that offers short videos of up to one minute. The main similarity with the Chinese social network, besides the fact that both offer short videos, is that it uses the same algorithm to make recommendations. Said algorithm, pointed out by many as the secret of TikTok’s success, is also the one used by Instagram reels.

The main novelty that Youtube Shorts will offer is the possibility of live broadcasts. While this functionality was available on Youtube, the main platform, it was not offered on Shorts. With the incorporation of new functions, the aim is to add subscribers in order to compete directly with its direct rival, TikTok, and also to offer a better user experience.

What are the new features of Youtube Shorts?

Undoubtedly, the most interesting novelty is the possibility of live broadcasting. These videos will have a preview that will be recommended to users who access the Shorts platform. Surely this decision was due to the great popularity and viralization of TikTo’s live videos and NPC streamers. Super Chats, Super Stickers and memberships are some of the tools that will be offered in live broadcasts.

More effects and stickers will also be launched, for example, a Q&A tag to make it easier for creators to interact with their users and get answers directly on their videos.

While this is the functionality that will be most popular, it will not be the only one. Another new feature will be the collaborative videos or Collab. Through this tool, Youtube Shorts users will be able to record their own video in a split screen with another creator’s video, both from Youtube and Youtube Shorts. In this way they will be able to react to other users’ content with just one touch.

New tools have also been added for video editing. Youtube Shorts creators will be able to create videos very easily by incorporating content from other videos. The new feature will group the audio effects and short clips of the videos to be remixed to make it easier to create a new video from them.

When will the new tools be available?


Youtube has not yet specified the date on which all these new features will be launched on the platform. They are expected to become available to video creators using Youtube Shorts in the coming weeks. We will have to wait and see what impact they have and if they meet their objective of attracting more users to catch up with TikTok. Many youtubers are looking forward to these new features, as they will be able to viralize their content faster and offer different options to their subscribers.