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Twitter seeks more details on tweets that expose personal information

The company is developing a new process for messages containing details such as a user’s home address, phone number or email address. With this intention it will try to get users to report tweets containing personal information in greater detail.

Twitter, Inc. It is a global platform for free public expression with real-time conversation. The company has one of the largest market cap of $22.97 million.

The firm provides a variety of services and products, including Twitter, which allows users to create, distribute and discover content; and Periscope, a mobile application that allows users to stream and watch live video with others.

It has a 19.26 P/E ratio. It also has promoted services, promoted tweets, promoted accounts and promoted trends, which allow its users to promote their brands, products and service at a given cost for promotional outreach.

User security is currently one of the top priorities. In order to ensure the preservation of personal information, Twitter added to the currently known reports that report this type of tweets a new step.

By means of a GIF, it guided its users to apply this new path. Upon discovering a tweet with their personal information, a user would click “Report Tweet” as they would have previously. After designating the publication as “abusive or harmful” and including “private information”, the user will be presented with a list of options detailing the different types of information. Users will be able to check as many options as appropriate.

In addition to the information Twitter specifically asks for, Twitter has implemented several updates to improve overall health and safety on the site in recent times.
Now, it tests a kind of moderation that allows users to hide certain replies to their tweets.

It also began publicly flagging tweets that violated its terms of service, a kind of public shaming, last year.

In February, the microblogging platform banned third-party tools that facilitated spam activity on its service.

As advanced by Twitter, this new reporting process will make it easier to flag tweets containing personal information.

The company did not disclose whether the new process could result in expedited reviews or actions against certain reported accounts or tweets.