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Top Instagram curiosities almost a decade after its birth

It has become the favorite social network among the younger population, and it seems almost unbelievable that it took much less than five years for the platform to occupy the prominent global position it now holds. Of course, among the most important curiosities of Instagram that is just one of the most interesting of it. This social network has broken global records like no other has been able to do.

Created on October 6, 2010 through the initiatives of American entrepreneurs Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram reached one million users in one month, eight years later this figure is equivalent to a total of 800 million people, 12 million of whom live only in Spain. In this text all the interesting facts that have made such an event possible will be described.

Curiosities of Instagram related to its birth: The first years of a global market in permanent boom.

The headquarters of the first graphic experiments, carried out by the aforementioned duo of American friends, were located at Stanford University, where their creators made friends for the first time. At that time, the project was conceived exclusively for IPhone devices, but as a result of the high level of acceptance it was launched and made available for other devices as well.

A month after that, Instagram was already surpassing one million registered users, something that only Twitter would manage to do in a couple of years. Its name comes from the fusion of the phrases “Instant Camera” and “Telegram”. All this success was preceded by the publication of the first capture: a photograph of the canine pet that both founders had in common.

Instagram’s current dizzying progress: Generalized statistics of a highly successful globalized product.

Currently Instagram therefore handles a high volume of information and web traffic, estimated at around 95 million posts and a rate of 4.2 billion likes on a daily basis. The company has of course been interested in the Spanish market, and of course launched the @InstagramEs account in the hope of conquering it, with results that have not been long in coming, managing to accumulate three million followers in just three years.

Other important Instagram curiosities are based on the fact that despite being born in the United States, only 20% of the population in the total consumption universe, the rest of the world accounts for 80%, of which 68% are women and the remaining 32% are men. Whether it’s sharing food, pizza, steak and raw sushi take the cake. Some of the most shared celebrity accounts are those of Kendall Jenner, Selena and Kim Kardashian.

Important facts about the business aspects of Instagram: what opportunities do they offer to new entrepreneurs?

Like other competing social networks, Instagram has also been unwilling to disassociate itself from the commercial advantages of its global network of interactions. This aspect is directly influenced by the time of use that each user, depending on his age, invests in its use. On average, users under the age of 25 spend more than 40 minutes a day on their profile as opposed to adults over 30 who only spend less than 25 minutes.

Company profiles are widely followed, since, according to data provided by the company itself, 80% of its users are registered with one of them. The use of the hashtag also provides an excellent space for the promotion of products, therefore involved in various marketing strategies and with a level of acceptance of 70%.

Final Notes: The future of Instagram is conditioned by the commercial volatility of companies and users.

The year 2012 was a key year for the formation and genesis of this global success, as the renowned entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg managed to take over the aforementioned company after having disbursed a total of 1 billion dollars, a fact that consequently constituted the key that would unleash its sudden exponential increase that has characterized it to this day. Under the helm of Facebook, it is suspected that the next decade of Facebook’s life will be conditioned by its breadth in the age range.

Augmented reality is another of Instagram’ s curiosities that could become recurrent, the same as the use of live video. The largest audience could come from its application on practical entities, as in cases where the user can buy products through this website. Influencer marketing strategies will become more and more prominent as the network becomes a more secure and dynamic environment.

Image courtesy of Thuy Ong ( all rights reserved.