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TikTok army joins union protests

After Starbucks laid off 7 workers, it kicked off a TikTok army’s pursuit of firms that fire employees. Activists, called Gen-Z for Change, then the cafeteria company went after Kroger. Now, it’s Amazon’s turn on the protest list.

TikTok army joins union protests

The first measure taken was to send out thousands of false job applications. A script created by Sean Wigg, a computer engineering student, enabled the arrival of this high labor demand after the layoffs. Sofia Ongele, a young programmer, created a site to explain to users how to run the script to flood the resume page of the companies.

TikTok Army to promote action

The group’s work was promoted through the viralization platform TikTok. After the support for Biden, came content on climate change and foreign relations. The tiktokeros group now emphasized labor relations. Information provided by the team itself speaks of close to 150 thousand people collaborating in the movement against unionized layoffs.

Amazon is the newest company to find itself in the path of this army of job advocates. Activists do not work on an occasional rampage. On the contrary, they intend to generate a global movement against this type of situation.

Although none of the three main promoters has been part of a union, the labor movement intends to take these tangible successes. These videos have been having a lot of diffusion in the social network, because they have a perfect algorithm for TikTok. The trio that makes up this movement recognizes that people are concerned about labor issues. In any case, they have discrepancies in terms of their personal views on union activity.