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The last selfie of your life! Taking a selfie is five times more deadly than shark attacks.

In the last decade nothing has become more common than taking a selfie. However, behind this “harmless” action of taking a self-portrait at any time and place hides a terrifying fact: doing so has killed five times more people than shark attacks.

The worst thing is that this trend continues to grow thanks to the use of accessories for this purpose and more sophisticated smartphones. The stunning data was revealed in an Indian publication Journal of Family Medecine and Primary Care which was very emphatic in reporting that, between October 2011 and November 2017, some 259 people died taking a selfie in different parts of the world. This figure is five times higher than the 50 deaths caused by shark attacks.

The selfie opens the debate on security and dignity

According to the publication, women are the ones who take the most selfies, but men, who are generally the most prone to risky behavior, occupy the lion’s share of these terrible statistics. Deaths from taking a selfie are an issue that was unheard of 20 years ago, but today, people die in crashes, drownings or falls.

India holds the world record for selfie deaths, with 159 deaths out of the 259 recorded. It is followed by Russia, the United States and finally Pakistan. For example, in India, several young people have been killed by a train, which is why the country has decided to declare “selfie-free zones”. Some Russians died falling from bridges or tall buildings, even shooting themselves.

The Grand Canyon National Park in the United States has also been the protagonist of tragedies with some tourists who have fallen into the void in search of the perfect selfie.

And, there is more

It could even be said that it is not necessary to be at risk because of a self-portrait, because, in addition, a selfie can be morbid. If you want to check it out search for the hashtag #funeral on Instagram and you’ll see what it is we’re talking about.

In 2014, a Brazilian woman caused a stir by taking a photo of herself in front of the coffin of presidential candidate Eduardo Campos, who died in a plane crash while campaigning.

In addition, Brazilian influencer Sueli Toledo earned thousands of critics by uploading a photo to Instagram with the caption:

“My look today to go to a super friend’s wake.”

This is why the selfie, not only gives rise to a debate about safety, but also about dignity. What do you think?

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