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“The future is technology”: we don’t say it, Michael Dell says it.

Thousands of people gathered in Las Vegas this week for one specific reason: Dell Technologies World 2019. In case you don’t know, this is Dell EMC’s most important technology event, in which, during four days, they launch new products, services and solutions. However, the first presentation did not go unnoticed, as the founder of the company, Michael Dell, emphasized the need for companies to transform digitally, and stressed that the future is technology.

For the above, Michael Dell, stated:

“No matter where we come from, we have something in common: technology.”

The future is technology, working life needs to go digital

One of the big announcements on the first day of the event was the alliance between VMWare (a software company, subsidiary of EMC corporation) and Microsoft. The idea is to be able to develop a cloud infrastructure in order to optimize and streamline business. According to Dell research, 93% of organizations are performing workloads in two or more clouds.

So, what is expected with such an alliance is that VMWare customers can move their technology systems to Microsoft’s Azure services.

In addition, Dell EMC made another important announcement about what can be implemented if we focus on the premise that the future is technology . A solution for digital workspaces. This is because more and more employees are moving towards the trend of flexibility, which is related to the way they work and where they work from.

For this reason, Pat Gelsinger, director of VMWare, reported that 81% of employees carry out their work outside their office. In addition, 76% do so from two different locations, and 52% from three different locations during a week.

For his part, Jeff Clarke vice president of products and operations at Dell Technologies commented that:

“imagine an intelligent solution that tells you what specific devices and applications your workforce needs based on their specific usage.

Imagine that then delivers those customized devices directly to the end user, preconfigured and preloaded with all the applications and security features they need without IT touching the device.”

He also added:

“Now, imagine that the same solution that helps the end user preemptively solves everyday IT problems such as password resets, application access and lost VPN connections.”

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