Scientists claim governments have secret information on interstellar object that collided with the planet

A number of scientists have been positing that an interstellar meteor hit Earth in 2014. For them, the remains would be found on the seabed and the government would keep the information obtained secret. The United States Space Command (USSC) confirmed this event in a 2019 release.

Amir Siraj is an astrophysics student at Harvard and was in charge of leading the research for years. In recent times it has been hampered by strange circumstances. The information is classified by the U.S. government.

Scientists claim governments have secret information on interstellar object that collided with the planet

Interstellar object and obscurantism

The meteorite would have a size of a few feet across, according to the U.S. measurement. Information is also being sought about two other interstellar objects that were detected in the solar system, known as ‘Oumuamua’. These discoveries included the Borisov comet, which did not impact the Earth and were larger than the meteor investigated by Siraj.

Although the chances of findings are low, the Harvard astrophysicist detailed, the excitement was centered on knowing that there was interstellar material on Earth. Siraj said he is making contacts to conduct a search off the coast of Papua New Guinea. The main objective is to find a fragment of the meteorite.

Although they acknowledged that the chances of finding fragments are low, Siraj hopes to organize an ocean expedition to search for fragments. It is not ruled out that other governmental obstructions may appear with the intention of hiding what happened and that may become known with a probable discovery of interstellar material.