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Scandal in the chess world involves artificial intelligence

The chess environment was convulsed when accusations of cheating ensued with artificial intelligence being involved. The professional chess world is buzzing about the scandal that broke out in early September involving technology. A Live Chess Tournament, which was held on the 4th of the previous month in the town of St. Louis, Missouri. Louis, ended with serious accusations. Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen fell to young chess player Hans Niemann and made serious accusations.

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Faced with a situation that seemed like it could not happen, such as this defeat, it led Carlsen to make some accusations and reveal how he was cheating. Everything seems to indicate that “cheating” is getting wilder and wilder with Artificial Intelligence (AI) involved. Everything from snare motors to plugs that have AI drive have been involved. The scandal is set to be huge and led to Carlsen’s resignation because of what happened during the rematch against the young Nieman.

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Magnus Carlsen refused to continue playing Hans Niemann after understanding that, after two moves, the young man had cheated. The event took place during a preliminary showdown at the Julius Baer Generation Cup, which generated a major surprise. The entire audience, as well as the announcer of the event, awaited the “opening” move that Niemann would make in his game. The match was being held virtually on Microsoft Team and simultaneously on the online chess platform Chess24.

Carlsen made his appearance by turning on his webcam, made a move, submitted the resignation and subsequently turned off his camera. Without saying a word, he disappeared from the event, causing great astonishment among those who had gathered to follow the game. Peter Leko, announcer of the event, was saying “well, it is very difficult to say [apuntando al posible movimiento de Niemann], because Hans is also playing a lot of first moves”.

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Leko continued in his story commenting that “he plays D4… Knight F6…”, and the moment of Carlsen’s resignation arrives. There, to the surprise of the announcer, who only managed to say “No, what happened? That’s all? There entered Tania Sachdev, the other announcer of the event, expressing that “Magnus Carlsen just resigned. He got up and left. He turned off his camera, and that’s all we know now.”

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Social networks exploded at what happened, mainly Twitter. Carlsen used his social media accounts to post a clip of Portuguese soccer coach José Mourinho, clearly alluding to the trap that Niemann had set. From that point on, all the talk in the chess world centered on the possible rigging and the involvement of the AI.

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There was also speculation that Niemann had leaked, perhaps on purpose or accidentally, the strategy he would use against Carlsen. Other voices posited that a “computer” was employed that was connected to an AI chess engine. Although no public evidence of cheating appeared, the site banned Niemann from its tournaments.