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Samsung and Google seek to facilitate data synchronization between applications

Google and Samsung have partnered to work on data synchronization between apps and have created Health Connect, which is a platform and API, basically, it’s an app programming interface.

Samsung and Google seek to facilitate data synchronization between applicationsThe idea is for developers to provide the necessary tools for health data synchronization. In addition, to make it easier for users to track information linked to health and fitness. It is also intended to make the operation present on different platforms.

Data synchronization to take with you everywhere

Google has informed that it will be the users who will have control over their data and will decide which data they wish to share. Health Connect supports more than 50 types of data in various categories. This includes the type of activity to be performed, body measurement, cycle monitoring, sleep, nutrition and vital signs.

In a press release provided by Samsung, it was reported that both companies are working to enhance Health Connect. Tae Jong Jay Yang, executive vice president of the South Korean manufacturer, commented that the new product is expected to be available before the end of the year. And everything that users allow, as he explained, will give the developers of these applications the possibility to improve with the data collected.

Today, Health Connect is in open beta. It will be accessible to all Android developers. In addition, along with Samsung and Google, there are other companies working on this, such as, for example, MyFitnessPal, Leap Fitness and Withings.

Finally, Google will add to this work some of its own apps, we are talking about Google Fit and Fitbit. Pixel Watch, projected to launch by the end of the year, is also expected to feature Health Connect.