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New Instagram feature! Collages in social network stories

When the most famous photo app was launched in 2010, its developers described it as “fun, simple and providing a new way to exercise creativity”. And it has practically been so, with millions of users the application has won the hearts of photography lovers, who seek to share an infinite number of statuses and feelings. But what happens when a single image is not enough to capture everything we want to express? Well, that’s what Instagram’s new feature is here for !

Instagram’s new feature Check if you already have it available!

As we mentioned earlier, Layout, Instagram’s new feature, allows users to create collages to be published within stories. Don’t wait any longer, run and check if you already have it available, because maybe you can choose several photos and publish them in a single story, just like the rest with a duration of 24 hours.

The new Instagram feature was launched this Tuesday, December 17, worldwide. However, it is being rolled out gradually, so if you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, you will soon be able to use it.

Up to this point, the option to create frames with several images and publish them was something that required a completely independent application. And, although owned by the same social network with the same name, the integration completely bypasses having to make an additional download.

To find the new Instagram feature for making collages, available for iOS and Android just open the Stories camera. There you will find the Layout option or in some cases it appears as Design, which will be located between the Boomerang and Superzoom functions.

So far, it is only possible to create a collage with a maximum of six photos, either uploaded or captured directly from the app’s camera.

Instagram is constantly renewing itself

During this 2019, the app added some additional options for uploading content, beyond just photos. Add texts, GIFS, polls, double choice questions, countdowns, birthday messages and hundreds of filters that add to this new Instagram feature.

In addition, the Facebook-owned social network said last November that they are working hard on other functions that will compete directly with TikTok, the famous Chinese application for creating short videos.

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