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New advances in home automation reinvent the way we understand technology today

Always coming home after a long and long day of work no longer has to be a nightmare, if your own home is programmed to do the daily chores by itself. Although the home automation sector is not a new science, its dizzying speed of growth is giving us a new vision of how technology impacts us today.

The so-called Internet of Things is the key to achieving all of this. Enabling the automation of each and every one of the everyday devices we use on a daily basis, will be more and more used and effective every day. Having our own Smart home no longer has to be a thing of the distant future. This article will provide you with all the automated tools that are already available in your home.

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The idea of doors and windows that can open and close automatically is something that has been dreamed of since the days of ancient Greece. However, it is something that has only been enjoyed today. The new trends in home automation as in the case of the company Loxone Smart Home, allows you to have all that and more, only controlled through your Smartphone.

Through the installation of sensors connected to a network of cameras and electric surveillance motors, your own home will be able to perceive any anomaly that may occur even during your periods of absence. Italian company Comelit is another example of how autonomous systems are entering the market. Their models include automatic shutters and garage doors, excellent options when it comes to taking care of your home during the vacations.

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Energy saving, on the other hand, is another major concern of the supporters who believe that the automation of daily life is the solution to all problems. To save electricity, it is therefore necessary that elements such as air conditioning, heating, and water heaters are domotized. The company Ducasa is one of the entities that today offers an answer to this need. Its principles are based on programmed thermal sensors.

Another entity that takes advantage of the same mechanism is usually the well-known company Swidget, whose models allow remote control of many electrical systems only through the use of electro-regulated plugs. Of course, no electrical self-monitoring system could do without an electricity consumption dashboard, something that has already been done by companies such as Mirubee, which is capable of implementing equipment for measuring energy consumption based on the use of various wifi networks.

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The advent of smart home appliances is a reality, which of course could not be excluded from all this. One of the greatest advances that technology has already been able to give us today is the rise to the market of various models of refrigerators or smart refrigerators, equipped with the FridgeCam, which make them capable of alerting the expiration date of certain foods.

Google Home is a very practical application which has also recently emerged. It is an activity manager that works through automatic control by voice. It can be easily connected to a SmartTV equipment which will be able to follow in real time, the progress and performance of each and every one of the home appliances programmed for it.

Final Notes: CEDOM as evidence of the growth of domotics in Spain.

Great evidence of the expansion of all these new technologies throughout the European continent, is the recognized Spanish Association of Domotics and Imnotica or CEDOM. Since 1992, this organization has been constituted as a totally progressive association that seeks fast, economical, simple and effective ways to adapt Spanish households to new and emerging technologies.

Its mechanics is developed mainly in the association of numerous entities related to the industrial services sector, who wish to invest in this kind of project. Through its website it also makes it possible for users and companies to become new members. It is also equipped with a unique measurement table to establish the particular criteria that every home must meet to be classified as a “domotic property”, all within the parameters of today’s technology.

Image courtesy of Roberto Blanco ( all rights reserved.