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Microsoft launched two new foldable devices: Surface Neo and Duo

The two devices that Microsoft has launched, in addition to being foldable, have dual touch screens that, in the company’s words, will start a new category in this technological area. However, unlike all the attempts its rivals have made, the company has not gone for a flexible screen, nor has it wanted to include a high-end camera system. So, what’s new?

Panos Panay, product manager at Microsoft commented on Microsoft’s latest releases:

“We want people to see the direction we’re going in terms of improving (user) productivity.”

For his part, Ben Wood of CCS Insight consulting firm and industry expert believes that it is not surprising that Microsoft has shied away from incorporating an all-in-one foldable display. He further commented:

“Given the issues Samsung had with the initial version of the Galaxy Fold handset and the broader challenges around the fragility of flexible displays. It makes sense that device makers are experimenting with alternative designs.”

And what is it about Microsoft’s new devices?

Split screen

Surface Neo has two screens that open up to eventually remain as a 13-inch display and a split in the middle. Microsoft’ s new device runs Windows 10x, which is a variation of the operating system designed especially to work on dual-screen devices.

For its part Surface Duo, a smart phone that when opened remains at 8.3 inches, also has a division. But, unlike Neo, its operating system is Google’s mobile.

In addition, Panay did not confirm the price of the devices, but commented that regarding the hinge design that joins both screens, he said he likes it because it minimizes the “saturation” of applications on the same screen.

And, he added:

“I can have a web browser on one side, while I look at my mail on the other. Or I can have a calendar on one side, and my mail on the other. It’s structured in a way that helps optimize and you feel good about being more productive.”

For his part, analyst Geoff Blaber believes that it will be some time before it will be clear whether Microsoft’ s devices are to users’ liking.

“With Surface Neo and Duo, Microsoft is taking a bold step into a very new category.”

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