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Mastodon, your Twitter friends can be there.

After the first steps taken by Elon Musk, following the acquisition of Twitter, a primary migration to Mastodon began. This small social network, but in existence since 2016, has been experiencing a dizzying growth in recent days. Of course, like any move, it means starting from scratch in terms of friendships. However, you may be surprised by the number of people you meet.

As an open source and decentralized site, many Twitter users have seen in Mastodon the possibility of continuing their life in this social network. The possibility of configuring a server and setting up a community with your own rules, being able to stay connected to a wider community, makes this platform very appealing. The account configuration has no major inconveniences if you are familiar with registering in social networks.

Now, if we are looking for our Twitter friends on this new platform, we are going to give you a guide to find them. Many users of the social network of the little bird, when setting up an account on Mastodon, link it to their page with the platform now owned by Elon Musk. Within the search engine of the social network of the little bird, the word ‘Mastodon’ must be entered to start the search. There, in the ‘search filters’ you can make a restriction that links to those people you are currently following.

Search contact in Mastodon

After this first filter, focused on finding friends who are linked to this migration of social networks, it is time to continue refining the search. Almost all Twitter users include their link to other social networks. In the ‘most recent’ tab you can find those who have done some activity in Mastodon in the last hours or weeks.

You can also use hashtags that link, such as #TwitterMigration. Another situation that has been verified is the search using the word ‘Mastadon’, due to its similarity with Mastodon. The migration is expected to grow a lot in the coming weeks in light of the changes Musk is expected to introduce on Twitter.

New friends

The change or migration of social network is also a new opportunity to meet other people with similar interests to ours. Of course, this is part of the need because, despite the first migration boom, still the people we know are hardly in Mastodon. In any case, everything seems to indicate that the users of this social network will begin to grow exponentially.

The decisions taken by Elon Musk, in his first days ‘commanding’ Twitter, have started to worry users. This started this first wave of migration to have a second social network option to expose their thoughts. Freedom of speech or some of Musk’s initiatives seeking to be the platform of truth have users concerned about issues that could be curtailed. Social networks have been buzzing in recent hours, with many CEOs concerned that they are not able to “manage” the public as they would like.