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iPhone 15: users report overheating of Pro and Pro Max models

iPhone 15 users are reporting overheating of the units when using them. The new iPhone models are the ones that would have this problem, especially in the Pro version.

The problem in question would be in the titanium frame of the device, something that complicates the use since it is the place from where users hold the mobile.

Numerous posts on social networks and in the community forum report the problems being experienced by users, who even report skin problems due to the temperature reached by the cell phones.

The Pro and Pro Max models of the iPhone 15 were released a few days ago and it didn’t take long for users to start reporting this problem that affects the usability of the phone.

What is the cause of overheating of iPhone models?

According to complaints from customers who have purchased the iPhone Pro and Pro Max models, the overheating occurs in the titanium frame surrounding the handset, as mentioned above. However, the main complication of this overheating is that the temperature reached by the frame is such that it is no longer possible to hold the phone. Even, one of the posts on the Apple forum on the subject includes a photograph showing a thermometer next to an iPhone 15 and the temperature it registers is 111°F or 44°C.

This publication was joined by the Wall Street Journal, whose journalists conducted their own tests to demonstrate the problem. When charging the battery of an iPhone 15, the cell phone reached a temperature that exceeded 44 degrees Celsius.

Why does this problem occur in the titanium frame? Because titanium is a material that is not a good conductor of heat. For this reason, the lack of heat dispersion of titanium leads to the fact that titanium heats up quickly but takes a long time to cool down. Apple used a stainless steel frame in its previous models, but changed the frame material to titanium because it prioritized having a lighter weight phone.

According to Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple analyst at TF International Securities, the problem of overheating iPhone units is probably due to these modifications made by the company to reduce the weight of the phones. According to Kuo, in addition to titanium, the heat dissipation area was reduced, something that would also contribute to overheating. The analyst added that, should Apple fail to provide an adequate response, this problem could affect iPhone sales.

What response did Apple provide to the problem of overheating iPhone 15 units?

So far Apple has not given an official response on the issue, which generates even more uncertainty for users who are suffering from this problem. Neither was it officially specified what would be the cause of this failure or what kind of solution there would be.

Kuo stated that the company would likely fix the iPhone 15s overheating issue through a software update. However, these improvements may not solve the underlying problem, unless the processor performance of the units is limited.