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iOS 13: What’s new in Apple’s next operating system?

Dark mode, new ways of viewing and editing photos and redesigned maps are just some of the new features that the update will bring to the new iPhone operating system. iOS 13 promises, among other things, improved performance, app opening optimization and faster Face ID authentication system.

Want to know all the details? Well, here we will tell you everything you need to know, starting with the availability date. Because as Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering said, the iOS 13 update, will be available by the end of September.

iOS 13: better display in low-light environments

One of the most anticipated new features has to do with the iPhone dark mode, this can be activated at a specific time or even at sunset. This update brings a color scheme that applies to the entire system and all native apps, with the goal of delivering optimal viewing in low-light environments. In addition, developers will be able to integrate it into their apps.

Using artificial intelligence, the photo app will be able to highlight the best images, but will also hide those it considers irrelevant or very similar and will show you the most important events of the day, month or previous year. Score one for artificial intelligence! According to company spokespersons, the new photo library will make it easier to search for memories, ah! another thing: videos will be played automatically.

And we continue with the photos!

Because iOS 13 will integrate new tools for editing, such as swiping in order to increase or decrease the effects of images. In addition, the illumination of portraits can be adjusted virtually, for example to emphasize a look or reduce the contrast of a face. And as if that were not enough, the new system will allow these photo editing tools to be used for video as well.

What you should expect, in addition, are improvements in the map application: more accuracy, more coverage, among others. Apple also announced its own login method, so users will be able to identify themselves with their Apple ID, and user information will travel with greater protection, always maintaining data privacy.

Voice control” will come to iPhone, iPad or Mac, allowing commands to be executed using voice alone, giving Siri greater precision. In addition, Apple’s assistant will have a more neutral and less feminine voice.

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