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Firefox Send, WeTransfer’s competition has arrived

A few years ago, sending photos or files was a real headache, as a result of this tormenting attempt, the connection and, worse, the recipient’s inbox collapsed. However, cloud services such as Dropbox or WeTransfer came along to make our lives easier and allowed us to break the size barrier. Goodbye headaches! But, as almost nothing is perfect, these services have their weaknesses: privacy. This situation will change radically with the arrival of Firefox Send.

Leaving a document in the cloud is already a latent risk that it could be hacked. With this weakness in mind, the Internet fox has arrived with its new Firefox Send service, which, like the first ones, simplifies the sending of files, but without sacrificing security, a subject that is currently the subject of much debate.

The company’s best selling point in support of its new service is that as a browser, Firefox is known for implementing security updates and enabling broad support for identity protection code programs.

Firefox Send What does Firefox Send offer to its users?

In a press release, the company announced:

Firefox Send, uses end-to-end encryption to keep your data secure from the moment you share it to the moment you open the file. It also offers security controls that you can configure, you can choose when your archive link expires, the number of downloads and if you wish, you can also add an optional password for each additional layer.”

With the new file sending service, users have the possibility to send all types of documents up to 1GB with a week to download them. In addition, there is also the option to increase the capacity up to 2.5GB, but it is necessary to register for a free account, thus surpassing WeTransfer, which allows sending 2GB in its free mode.

When sending files via Firefox Send, the recipient will receive a link in their email. You can then click to download it without needing an account to access it.

The company has promised that in the coming days Firefox Send, will be available as an Android app.

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