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Curious social networks can’t resist esotericism with Psychic Faces

While it is known that everyone is different, not everyone has the ability to be born with special psychic powers. Something that curious social networks have been able to take advantage of very well. Psychic Faces has come to reinvent the concept of what we are ourselves, serving as a meeting point for lovers of the esoteric.

It is clear that the arrival of the new era is changing everything we know, including social networks. Currently, Psychic Faces is demonstrating that the human being is capable of harboring capacities of which until now he had not been able to be aware. All through a streamlined virtual channel.

Reasons why Psychic Faces is one of the most shared curious social networking sites

Much more than a common digital platform, Psychic Faces is an open door to the world of the unknown, the paranormal and supernatural phenomena associated with the awakening of human consciousness. Despite the current rationalism, this portal has managed to make a space on the web to divulge all the knowledge about the harmony that man maintains with the universe.

You will be able to access the forum, after following the steps of a brief private registration. Once inside you will be able to contact all its members. You are welcome whether or not you possess mental powers. The goal will not only be to develop the psychic potential you possess, but also to help others stimulate their own.

Audiovisual content that will undoubtedly challenge the limits of your imagination.

This platform includes an important collection of photographs and videos that demonstrate firsthand all the possibilities that the hidden power of the human mind harbors. One of the most important is the demonstration of telekinesis, the ability we possess to move objects using only the power of thought.

This type of curious social networks also offers advice on vast recommended bibliography and thus expand your knowledge on the arts of parapsychology, tarot, horoscope, contact with mediums and a unique section for questions and answers from readers.

The Ask 1 Radio Network: An attractive audiovisual tool to explore all the secrets that the afterlife has to offer.

This web tool allows you to tune into a private radio station, cleverly incorporated by its original creator Dave Solomon. Among its most important programs is the meeting of various experts in parapsychology, who provide advice in different areas, whether it is about extrasensory perception tips or mind and thought reading.

Dream interpretation is also an important part of this, along with the publication of research associated with accessing parallel universes, electromagnetic reflection and telekinesis. It is an interactive tool through which it will be possible to discover a whole new knowledge.

The future of consciousness: The future of man’s need to find himself

Although these applications open the doors of mysticism to a social environment, it is important to highlight the support that this field has received from researchers such as William McDougall, famous psychologist and creator of the chair of parapsychology at the University of Utrecht.

Today multiple branches of parapsychology, although recognized as an emerging discipline, is actually a very old field of knowledge. Basically, it has its roots in ancient mysticism and pagan religion, an element that has not been an impediment to its diffusion through all kinds of curious social networks.

Image courtesy of We Mystic ( all rights reserved.