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Augmented reality brings Minecraft to mobile devices

Minecraft, the most popular construction and adventure video game of recent times, has finally arrived to mobile devices totally free of charge. This new version, called Minecraft Earth, is intended to take players out of their homes through augmented reality.

At the moment, the Minecraft app with augmented reality is only available for iOS and Android mobile devices in some countries. However, it is expected to be available worldwide before the end of the year in order to increase the number of current players, which exceed 100 million worldwide.

Explore your neighborhood with augmented reality

To start with, you should know that the mechanics of Minecraft with augmented reality is very simple: you can explore your neighborhood with the objective of finding unique blocks and mobs for your constructions. Once you have them, any flat surface will be useful to build whatever you want, and in this way let your imagination fly. What you can do is create new items, harvest products, reproduce mobs and a thousand other things to discover and have fun.

In addition, you will be able to team up with whomever you want and thus create structures on the building plates, which you will place in the real world to explore them in their true size, which with its use of augmented reality is reminiscent of the success of “Pokémon GO”.

One of the most interesting new features is that you can test your survival skills and fight mobs in real life.

So, what Minecraft Earth is looking for is that its players should go out into the streets of their neighborhood. In this way, different objects and characters can be accessed at certain points, and users are encouraged to interact with each other.

Other important aspects about Minecraft Earth

This novelty combines Microsoft’s latest generation technology, we are talking about Azure Spatial Anchors tracking and PlayFab integration that bring the game to life using augmented reality.

You must take into account that, as we mentioned before, this is a free game. What it will have, however, is micro transactions, i.e., internal purchases.

This is, according to Jesse Merriam, executive producer of the game, “a game for everyone”. That is to say, for fans, who will benefit from their previous knowledge, and for new users who will be able to enter for free to explore this new universe.

If you liked this article, you can also read: Minecraft turns 10 years old, celebrate it by playing for free from your browser!