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Apple reportedly interrogating pro-union employees

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed a complaint against Apple. The same is with an accusation of discrimination against pro-union workers. This situation has been increasing in recent months, where the Cupertino-based company has intensified its anti-union activities. This is happening in the midst of a wave of labor organizing with the lifting of many rules “imposed” during the pandemic by Covid-19.

The NLRB understands that it has been promoting discrimination against workers at the World Trade Center store. Apple’s goal is to become the second store in the United States without unionization. To this end, union ballots are being held in the store. At various times throughout this year, allegations have been made about how the tech giant has been violating various labor laws. The main one would be in the crackdown effort targeting staff in some Apple offices.

A year full of complaints for Apple

Among the allegations that have been presented, it is claimed that the company has questioned its employees about their support for the union. Apparently, there was also a selective ban on the distribution of union flyers to workers. In the complaint against Apple, it was stated that employees are being interfered with, restricted and coerced in the exercise of their rights. It points to corporate abuse of the rights of those who work, primarily, in the World Trade Center office.

During 2021, different stores in Atlanta, New York and Townson, began an organizational task upon seeing the intentions of the people from Cupertino. The implementation of similar tactics, in the various stores, to stifle the nascent union movement was already very visible. There was union training to ensure that management was able to work to dissuade any union organization that might form in the company’s stores.

Unconscionable claims or fair demands

In order to avoid mobilizations or claims, managers must intimidate workers with different warnings. Among the issues to be addressed are how the flexibility of schedules can be lost and that promotions can be scarce. Other aspects that will be used to dissuade workers from union demands are hourly wage increases. All this initiative must be accompanied by a strong anti-union discourse in any situation.

Apple has been carrying out this type of campaign against unionization in different parts of the country. It has been successful in many, such as the store it has in the Cumberland Mall in Atlanta. Where the pressure exerted ended with the complete abandonment of any type of union election by the workers.

Many companies, in recent months, have been taking action against the union movement among their employees. Like the folks in Cupertino, Starbucks has had complaints filed against it by the NLRB for retaliation against pro-union workers. Amazon also has similar efforts in its stores to curb union advocacy such as meetings or requests for wage increases.