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AI able to predict the day of death of each person with 78% accuracy

Several scientists, whose names are not yet fully known publicly, have created an AI capable of predicting different data for people such as the day of their deaths or the income they will have.

This artificial intelligence works as an algorithm, similar to that of
. It is called“life2vec” and thanks to its operation the AI capable of predicting things, will be adept at providing data with 78% effectiveness using the information it can to be able to collect data and make its predictions.

How did this predictive AI perform in your tests?

In order to test it and corroborate that it was working, the scientists provided the predictive AI with all kinds of detailed information on more than six million anonymous volunteers. This data collection included details such as the current income of these individuals, their medical histories, professions, their genders, whether the women had experienced pregnancy, etc.

Although the tests were performed correctly and there were no errors, the information from the study has not yet been made public. This is because the scientists wish to maintain the privacy of all participants. Subsequent to the study, one of the researchers did identify himself. Sune Lehmann, explained that the AI model capable of prediction will not be available for public or corporate use, at least for the time being.

This is because Danish privacy laws would want to prohibit the use of AI capable of prediction in day-to-day decisions. Those how to choose an insurance policy or make a contract official. If AI were used, it would, in fact, benefit companies and that would not be a legitimate thing to do.

Did the AI get its predictions right?

Yes, the AI capable of prediction managed to successfully predict the death of several people who did lose their lives in 2020, not being wrong by 75%. The AI used the data assigned to it for the experiment from 2008 to 2016.

The predictive AI was able to analyze how various factors created different outcomes. Thus, being a person with leadership or having more possibilities to take care of oneself and go to a medical center when needed, could lead to a longer life. Meanwhile, being a man, having a lot of stress or being diagnosed with a mental health problem would be detrimental to sustaining yourself for more years living at your best. If you are interested in looking at this study, you can read about it in detail in Nature Computational Science.

The scientists’ work was based on creating digital tokens and data maps.

In order for the AI to function properly, Lehmann scientists were able to code the history of the people participating in the study. All the data was compiled into digitaltokens, forming a map of factors that the AI used to predict the future.

We do not yet know if in the future we will be carried away by this type of technology, but what is certain is that it will be a way to know more answers, predicting behaviors or states of people.