Techno - SOCIAL

New surgical robots arrive

Llegan los nuevos robots cirujanos

The head of the neurosurgery team at Viamed Santa Elena Hospital, Dr. Avelino Parajón, spoke exclusively to RVTE play channel presenting the new robotic surgeons. which are already assisting operations (still in tests, in the Spanish operating rooms of Madrid) have not yet been fully made official, but it is a news that has caught the attention of all people who love technology, confirming that medical science will also rely on robots in the near future.

Robot surgeons will be integrated with the medical workforce in the coming years

The Doctor explained that when he was studying medicine they did not even learn computer lessons, performing all subject practices on the cadavers assigned to them and later on patients.

He clarified that, nowadays, we have moved from that to the routine presence of computers and robotics in the operating rooms. In addition, 3D vision technology and augmented reality are also being incorporated, something that was unthinkable and distant years ago.

Things like endoscopy and robotic technology will, according to the doctor, who specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery, minimize the risk of possible complications for patients.

One of his patients, María Isabel Ramos, told RTVE play that her spine is slightly deviated and that two hernias were detected. Something that was making it impossible for him to lead a normal life, as his sciatic nerve was compressed. This is why she contemplated the idea of having surgery. Being his only option to get his life back.

These will be the advantages of including robotics in human surgeries

According to Dr. Avelino Parajón, some of the advantages of using these new surgical robots are that a better pre-planning of the patient’s condition can be carried out, and that a scan can be performed on the spot. The surgeon according to this planning and these tests can study in his office what type of implants can be placed and the state of the patient’s anatomy in detail.

Thanks to the help of robotic assistants, the operation is performed with greater precision, with an almost zero possibility of errors and in a very fast time: it is a matter of a minute to place the screw that is needed to end the bone ailment that the patient has.

Robotic sales specialist Daniel Garcia added that this is the third generation of spinal robotics to be introduced and tested. It has a budget of around one million euros.

The digitization of the surgeries helps to a much faster recovery and to an almost zero number of errors. According to Dr. Avelino Parajón, robotics will make it possible to put an end to errors made by the human hand. It is understandable to arrive at this reasoning, since these new robotic surgeons are assistants in a very delicate type of surgery where every millimeter is observed with precision, to help improve the quality of life of patients.

According to Dr. Avelino, in the near future it will be very likely that robots will replace the surgeon. These will be relegated to planning, development and observation of the patient. The robots will not end with the patient set-up in the operating room, where humans will still be present. Robotics will also help to successfully perform operations that were previously considered risky. A very good advance, no doubt, for the future of medicine. What do you think?