Techno - TRENDS

A futuristic neighborhood, a Google subsidiary’s project to be built in Toronto

The futuristic neighborhood project was entrusted to Sidewalk Labs, which is a subsidiary of Alphabet and will be evaluated by the Canadian authorities. It will have traffic lights that adapt in real time to traffic, as well as modular public spaces and the latest: heated bicycle lanes, among other innovative proposals that will make up this, the first smart neighborhood located in Toronto.

Contextualizing on the background of the futuristic neighborhood, you should know that Sidewalk Labs, had been contacted in 2007 by Waterfront Toronto. This is a public entity that brings together the municipality of Toronto and the governments of Ontario and Canada to carry out the project.

A futuristic neighborhood, perhaps in the very near future.

The futuristic neighborhood includes the redevelopment of Quayside, which is a 5-hectare brownfield site located along Ontario. The end result will be a neighborhood that, in addition to being modern, will be sustainable and built around digital technologies and data.

However, during the public consultations organized by Waterfront Toronto, many local residents expressed concern that the authorities would entrust the project to a Google subsidiary.

But, even in the face of the residents’ distress, the Waterfront Toronto board of directors voted in favor of the project. This suggests that the futuristic neighborhood will soon see the light of day and will be built under special conditions.

According to plans shared by Sidewalk Labs, the neighborhood will be built entirely of wood. But it will also combine stores, offices and housing, including at least 20% sustainable social housing.

The futuristic neighborhood will also have sensors to collect all kinds of data on the behavior of the residents of the place. Mainly, flows of cyclists and pedestrians, water consumption or the filling of containers.

Regarding data collection, which is, by the way, the main concern of its inhabitants. Basically, because of the privacy and data usage that the U.S. giant Google will get. Sidewalk Labs, states that their goal with this is to help understand the dynamics of urban life and stimulate innovation.

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