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10 million people joined Threads in 7 hours

The new social network Threads has successfully landed, as in its first 7 hours 10 million people have joined it. The information was released by Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Meta, owner of the new platform.

Perhaps to get to know the novelty or escaping from Elon Musk’s modifications on Twitter, the truth is that a total of 30 million people have opened their profile on Threads during its first day. This is a long awaited social network, as it was known as the new Twitter. In view of the complaints and the constant crashes that the “birdie” network has had, there was a lot of interest from users in the brand new social network belonging to Meta.

The promise of it being a short messaging platform, similar to Twitter, further stoked user interest, something that was reflected in Threads’ first day numbers.

What is Threads, Meta’s new platform?

Although many may be surprised, Threads is not a relatively new social network. It was first launched in 2019, but its goal was to concentrate Instagram messaging, as is the case with Messenger and Facebook. The platform did not prosper and was discontinued. However, Elon Musk’s comings and goings with the popular Twitter gave opportunity for the re-launch of Threads, now as a short message platform. Its integration with Instagram derives from its beginnings, which is why, in order to delete the Threads account, the Instagram account must also be deleted.

Users can make posts with a limit of 500 characters. They can also incorporate videos and images. As with Twitter, users can share or quote other users’ posts, as well as reply to messages.

Linking to Instagram allows posts made in Threads to be easily shared there, similar to what happens between Facebook and Instagram.

For now, direct messages are not offered, so queries and replies to other users can only be made publicly. There is a single wall where the publications appear, which works through suggestions, in addition to the publications of people followed.


Meta’s social network will be part of Fediverse

Among Threads’ plans is the implementation of the ActivityPub Protocol, which makes it possible for it to be part of the Fediverse. This means that Threads users will be able to interact with users of other social networks, for example, Mastodon. This also makes it possible for users who are not registered in Threads to interact with those who do have profiles. Social networks will then be part of an interactive whole in which users can communicate with each other without having to create a profile for each of the social networks.

It seems that the Fediverse will be the future as far as the different social networks are concerned.

Mark Zuckerberg stated that Meta aims to keep Threads friendly, something that will be the key to success. For the moment, the arrival of this new platform has been positive, although it remains to be seen what the future holds for it and what new features it will incorporate in the coming days.