UFOs: U.S., Uruguay and China in pursuit of UFO tracks

Different unidentified flying objects, qualified as UFOs, have been reported in different parts of the planet in recent weeks. The United States has shot down different objects, while apparitions have been reported over Alaska, Europe and even Uruguay. The ‘flashing lights‘ in the sky are being investigated. For its part, China has also announced that it is preparing to shoot down anything of dubious origin.

Lake Huron has been the point where the U.S. military has already “written off” several objects without clear identification. Faced with this situation, the legislators have claimed that the American people “deserve many more answers than we have.” After the appearance of the Chinese air balloon, which started an escalation of diplomatic conflicts, the unexplained appearances multiplied.

South America was not left out and unrecognizable lights were also reported in Uruguay. In the northwest of the country, the Uruguayan Air Force released a statement on its social networks that it was investigating “lights in the sky”. Soon after, Chinese state media also reported an object in waters near the coastal city of Rizhao. In addition, the army was mobilized to demolish it.

UFOs, espionage or celestial phenomena

The return to the use of the acronym UFO, unidentified flying object, has returned to the forefront of the media. The threat of extraterrestrial or unidentified presence has also been a good option to request more funding from the U.S. military.

Different amateur flight spotters have been tracking a U.S. Air Force Boeing E-3B Sentry over Lake Michigan. As part of the situations experienced, the “vigilantes” recognize it as the same plane that is destroyed in the film “Independence Day”. The Department of Defense announced that there was a dialogue between Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, and U.S. President Joe Biden. During the talk, they discussed the objects to be shot down in Canadian territory.

In Latin America

In the vicinity of the Almirón Hot Springs, in the Uruguayan department of Paysandú, the presence of “flashing lights in the sky” is being investigated. The South American government is gathering information and interviewing witnesses. Such was the concern that the Uruguayan Air Force issued a statement through its social networks about this possible presence of UFOs.

The Chinese state-owned media also commented on this issue. They issued a warning last Sunday, stating that “local maritime authorities in East China’s Shandong province announced Sunday that they had spotted an unidentified flying object in waters near the coastal city of Rizhao in the province and were preparing to shoot it down.”

The presence of unidentified flying objects has also been reported in some European countries. While some voices speak of a return of the UFO presence, other specialists suggest that we are in the presence of minor meteorites or other fireballs that “fly” through the Milky Way.